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Liaoning, Liaoning Province, Liaoning Information, China Pro

时间: 2018-05-01 06:18 作者:浙江新闻 来源:网络整理 点击:

Liaoning Province

location of Liaoning province

Location of Liaoning Province

Area:   145,700 square km

Population:   43.75 million (2010 census)

Capital City:   Shenyang

Local Time  

Geography of Liaoning Province

Liaoning Province is located in the south of the Northeast of China, with the Liaohe River flowing through it, its northern and central parts are plains; the eastern and western parts are hilly areas; and the southern part covers the Liaodong Peninsula which borders on the Bohai Sea in the west and Yellow Sea in the east. The four seasons are distinctive in the Province, each being unique in its own way. The population is 42 million (2004), consisting of some thirty nationalities such as the Manchu, Mongolian, Hui and Korean nationalities.


Climate of Liaoning Province

Liaoning Province has a temperate, continental-type monsoon climate, with the mean temperature of the year being 6C to 11C (42.8 F to 51.8 F). The minimum temperature in January, the coldest month, can be as low as -30C ( -22 F) while the maximum temperature can reach as high as 35C ( 95 F) in July, the hottest month in the year. The frost-free period lasts 130 to 180 days averagely. The annual rainfall in Liaoning ranges from 400mm to 1000mm.

Brief History of Liaoning Province

The Province of Liaoning has a long history behind it. As early as 1600 B.C, what is the Province now was already part of the territory of the Shang Dynasty (1766 B.C. to 1122 B.C.). In the various dynasties that followed, administrative set-ups were established here, thus leaving many historical relics for today. The Province is the birthplace of the Manchu nationality, boating many well-preserved imperial palaces and tombs built in the Manchu style in the early days of Qing Dynasty (1644-1911).

Liaoning was once a colony of imperialism. From the late 19th century to the 1940s, Russian and Japanese aggressors carried out frenzied wars here, plunging the Chinese people into deep miseries. The imperialists exploited cheap labor. And local industries had a very strong colonial nature, with no processing capabilities at all. In the 1940's, amidst the flames of Chinese people's struggle for national liberation, imperialism was overthrown in the Northeast and Liaoning was liberated. Now Liaoning Province has been turned into a centre of heavy industry with metallurgy, machine-building, coal, electricity, petroleum and industry as the main branches.


Liaoning  Local Products

Liaoning is richly-endowed and its products have rich local
characteristics. Ginseng, sable fur and furry antler, famed as the "three great treasures of the Northeast", are important exports of the Province. Other famous local specialities include tussah silk ( an ideal material for blouse, shirt, skirt," kimono" dress, curtain, table-cloth, quilt-cover, etc), apples (juicy and delicious, exported in quantities), prawn, sea cucumbers and abalone (plentiful in the coastal areas). In addition, local arts and crafts are also well-known, such as jade and black amber carving, amber ornaments, glassware, and feather patchwork, shell carving pictures, artistic ceramics, scrolls and calligraphy, etc.


Liaoning Local Food and Cuisine

The Lumingchun Restaurant in Shenyang is noted for the high quality of its Typical Local Food selected ingredients and the delicious dishes which boast all the appealing colour, fragrance, taste, and shape. The Restaurant is particularly good at the Shandong style dishes as well as seafood dishes, such as stewed bear paw, peach like prawns, etc.

At Shenyang you can enjoy Imperial court dishes. Delicious dumplings served at the Laobian Dumpling Restaurant in Shenyang are a favorite with many tourists. Also a Chinese-style sandwich with smoked meat and spring onions is a snack typical of the North-eastern food. As Dalian abounds in aquatic products, it is famous with seafood delicacies. At the top of a long list of such delicacies are: stewed dried scallop, steamed whitefish, roast prawns, steamed abalones, etc. Other local representative dishes made of bear paw, moose nose, and other delicacies are served in big Restaurants throughout the Liaoning Province


Places of Interests and Tourist Attractions in Liaoning








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